LeRo Teralava S.L.U., Avda. Amsterdam, 8
E-38650 Los Cristianos / Arona / Tenerife / España
Tel. (+34) 922 750 289
mail. reservas@lero.net
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 13:30 h & 14:00 - 17:00 h
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:30 h


Publisher LeRo Teralava S.L.U.
Avda. Amsterdam, 8
E-38650 Los Cristianos - Arona / Tenerife
Tax ID B-38.377.636
Register of Commerce S.C. de Tenerife: Hoja: TF-10.676, Folio: 211, Tomo: 1.191
Terms of business  
Terms of business
Legal liability We would like to clearly emphasize that we have no influence over the layout and content of linked Websites. Therefore we explicitly distance ourselves from all content of all Websites linked to all our Websites, including all connected sites and their respective links or other linking mechanisms. This disclaimer applies for all links shown on our Homepage and for all content of sites, to which any links, banners or other connections may direct a browser.
Copyright All content and illustrations published on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not permitted by the copyright law requires our prior consent in writing. This applies in particular to any reproduction, modification, translation, storage, processing or distribution of the content in databases or other electronic media and systems.
Data protection We are subject to the Spanish Data Protection Law and are checked annually by the Company AIXA Corpore if we carry it out. The Spanish data protection law, concerning medical data is essentially similar to the German Law. All data is treated confidentially and only accessible for those who require this for their work. Since 22.10.2006, our web forms are encoded through a SSL certification from Thawte.
Privacy policy
Facebook Our website uses social plugins (“plugins”) provided by the social network facebook.com, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The plugins are identifiable by a Facebook logo (white letter f on blue background or a thumb up icon) or the notice “Facebook Social Plugin”. When you visit a page of our website
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